Almost a whole year later I got a call from CBS News Radio that there was a job open at the network. At the time I was very conflicted. I grew up in Washington, my family is here, my friends are here, Jeremy and I JUST bought a house and ...I love my job!
I can't just move to New York...I thought...
you can't just do that, you can't just up and move to New York city, I mean could I? Should I? Is that crazy? Can a girl just up and move to New York? What will Jeremy think? He said yes before when we were thinking about moving...hmmm...really New York ? huh? no!!! yes!!! no...maybe....
So I decided to explore it a little...take the next step - however apprehensively. So I went to New York and pretended I lived there. I got up in the morning I ran around Central Park - like that's what I do...
I get up in the morning because I'm a New Yorker and I gotta stay in shape so I run in Central Park.And I LOVED IT! Even when...in the middle of my run a big fat stinky truck drove really slow behind me causing me to inhale bad air...I still loved it!
After my run I spent way too much money on orange juice and I think I bought a banana for a dollar! ...but still I loved it! I loved the busy, I loved the dogs in the park, I loved the smell of hot dogs at 9 in the morning and I loved the mean lady who bumped into me and then was annoyed because I was sweaty...Loved that bitch (I realize it could have been the endorphins from my run - but still)!
Later that day - still pretending I lived there... I walked to CBS - on 57th and Broadway. Coming down from the running endorphins I tried to look at CBS objectively.
Are these my people? Could I work here? Are they crazy in a good way like I am? Is that too much to ask? Do they like me? Am I smart enough? Are THEY smart enough? Do they care about the world? Am I a news girl? Do I ...could I...work for freaking CBS NEWS?!!I went back to the hotel still confused but also trying to stay in that "I live here, I'm a New Yorker" mindset. So I bellied up to the bar at the hotel and sat for a good long time being ignored by a lot of tourists and the bartender. I finally flagged the bartender down and gave blood so I could spend eight dollars on an Amstel light.
Then the most awkward, funny, strange in a good way, couple bellied up next to me. Hank and Darla Ann or something from Iowa! They were in town because they are taking their 3rd foster child on her graduation fantasy vacation. They hated New York! Too expensive, too crowded and TOO DAMNED LOUD! I talked to them for hours... in my.... I'm Tina Nole, New Yorker who works for CBS News persona...and I fell in love with them too!
Darla and Hank are those true American Midwest type people. Salt of the earth. He drives Harly's, she works at a bank. And together they have 2 kids and have adopted several others. They still cry about the one they really couldn't save. An eight year old who was severely abused when they got her, beat them both up before she was 11 and took too much from them as they were trying to care for the others. Darla suffers from bells palsy and has some facial paralysis on her left side - but could down the drinks like no bodies business.
They met in high school but Darla would have nothing to do with Hank until years after they were both divorced from their first spouses. Later they saw each other in town and fell in love. They live in a big house filled with love and lots of parties with their neighbors and kids friends. All their children, adopted and otherwise, are going or are IN college.
Anyway I digress...
Hank and Darla made me love New York even more. Partly because they hated it and partly because I knew if I moved there I would meet more Hank and Darla's.
The next day I woke up late and walked and walked and walked my way through New York. The weather was horrible, hazy and muggy. And I tried to hate it. I took the subway to the West Village and hoped to see rats ( i know they are there but I didn't see 'em). I shopped at snooty boutiques hoping to encounter pretentious sales people. I paid five dollars for a two dollar cup of coffee. I walked through Union Square and watched the dogs in the pathetic ity bity dog park. I looked for things not to like. But I didn't find 'em. Except for the WORST singer EVER in the subway - everything else was very manageable.
Now you might say I don't know what I am getting myself into...and BOY AM I NAIVE...but I'm going.
I move to New York August 24th. Jeremy and Matilda will stay in our house for the first year and we'll see each other every other month --at least.
I found a nice stranger on craigslist who I will rent a room from...Michelle -(good news is she's really fun, smart and interesting so I am not afraid), I will be working for CBS News Radio as a writer. And my blog will likely change a bit to something about a Seattle girl in New York..but I'll keep ya posted.
Wish me Luck!