So I upped the training a bit in the past few weeks. I hired the BEST personal trainer EVER - who I love (if you want her info just email me Tnole@710kiro.com). I do strength training with Dillon (my trainer) twice a week, with weights and various other exercises that kill me...I like to tell Dillon that it's not a good work out until I start resenting her (and I do). I also participate in a running group once a week, which is a crazy work out with distance and sprints to build strength and good cardio. Finally I top it all off with playing ultimate frisbee twice a week, and either a hike with weight or running stairs with my pack.
So really all I do these days is work at KIRO and train. But I'm feeling great and am less apprehensive about the climb as I am getting stronger. I have a mantra..."hurt now so you don't hurt on the mountain."
We'll see...I'll keep ya posted.