I can't figure out what annoys me more, the fact that baristas dress in sexy costumes to get business or the fact that it's FRONT PAGE news in the Seattle Times! Some coffee stands get steamier, Drive-throughs use scantily clad baristas in a bid for business.
Can someone please tell me why THAT is news? On the FRONT page? Just below the story of the guy who faked his way through life and donated $225,000 to Witworth...another non-story that doesn't affect anyone except the liar. And right beside the one ACTUAL news story Iraqi PM no longer protects cleric's militia. But the sexy barista story is the biggest one with a large picture right on the front page.
Putting my complete and utter annoyance at the Times aside I have to ask myself why it makes me so angry that these baristas dress this way to attract business. For some reason I am infuriated by it. I'm angry that they do this and I'm even more angry that it works.
I realize that simply by writing about this it opens the door for people to call me a stick up her ass feminist prude. Which bothers me even MORE. A woman can't stand up against exploitation with out being called a prude who never gets any. So I'll just put it out there first before you email me saying as much. I'm not a prude and I'm all for people getting their rocks off in any legal harmless way they see fit. But really?! When you're getting your morning coffee?
On the day that story was printed there was another tragedy that hit the news. A womans body was found in a ditch in Tumwater. The conversation all over the newsroom was about the scantially clad women on the cover of the Times and the dead woman in a ditch was never mentioned. I couldn't help but see the connection and neither could my colleague (who shall remain nameless). We talked about it length - it's complicated I realize but I can't help but wonder if it all isn't related. Tough to juxtapose those two stories and wonder about how we view women in this society.
Now you can talk all you want about free choice. These women who work at these coffee stands have a choice. Yes, they do...BUT, they are raised to believe that they can make money by exploiting themselves and their bodies. And it works - but you can't tell me at the end of the day they feel good about themselves, inspired by their lives and have self respect. I just can't believe they do. Maybe they enjoy the attention, maybe it's fun for a bit but I know there is more underneath it all...and I also know the whole thing contributes to the larger issue - no matter how ya slice it women are constantly and consistently viewed in relation to what men can get from exploiting our bodies. It's the truth - and there will likely always be an industry for it. But I'm still ashamed of us and the reality of it's acceptance.