So, first off, Scroll down to read the originall blog that has created the stir I will refer to from now on..Really best conversation on this topic was the hour we did on The Dave Ross Show yesterday and the hour I did on KTTH today. Right now I don't have that audio link, but I do have a link to the highlights of the shows you can find that here.
Second off -- (can I say second off?) I've decided to take the rebuttals to my A + B piece in points here individually:
From: Anonymous - For crying out loud: Legislators who pass laws against rape, and who intensify sentencing for same (Islamic governments are not increasing penalties for the crimes that sharia law manifests); police officers who arrest rapists; fathers, sons, boyfriends, husbands et al. who protect women, come to their immediate aid when they witness a rape in progress, and who loudly and often denounce this cowardly behavior (which parallel muslims are virtually not to be found with respect to the crimes mentioned.
My response: By the same token, Terrorism is illegal in America. Everyone comes to the aid of terror victim in the same wayÂ…In addition do think there were any people of Muslim faith that would not come to the aid of a dying victim? That'ss crazy -- of course they would -- but an extremist might not.
In addition, my argument is targeting America, perhaps I should make that more clear. And again -- my thesis is not that terrorism is a bad thing --- my thesis is that it's EXTREME Muslims that are terrorists and EXTREME Men that rape. So, I am inconsistentn a consistant standard --if you believe all Muslims are Terrorist than by that logic would have to believe all men are rapist--.and that's insane.
From Jeff:
Your analogy is fallacious. The reality is that in the US we do not have priests and civic leaders actively disseminating a call for men to rape women and for priests to rape children.
Yes. But we DO have many things in our society that perpetuate a mentality that supresses women. Beyond that, often when a woman is a victim of rape people say "she deserved it" "what was she wearing" -- not to mention the difficulties in even prosecuting date rape.
And when such activities do occur, they are shunned by all segments of our society, particularly our clergy and politicians.
Yes. And Our clergy and priests politicians are also intolerant of terrorism in the same way.
Meanwhile, in the Middle East, violent hatred and Jihad are espoused every day by mullahs and civic leaders.
Violence and Jihad are espoused by EXTREMISTS --There are many different sects in the religion, some extreme and some who believe in Jihad. But the same can be said for extremist Christian groups, the KKK whose doctrine contains pieces from the bible AND of course, men who rape.
And governments support and fund terrorist organizations and the clerics who preach hatred. State sponsored television runs ads glorifying the martydom of children who become suicide bombers. And five year olds view themselves as Jihadi (read Jill Carroll's reports from her captivity.)
A Five Year Old does not .5 year olds, make.
The problem is the use of Islam and Sharia law as a means for the spread of virulent hatred and calls for terror.
Because of the shear numbers of rape that are committed in America the fact that we are then forced to be afraid -- is call for terror!
From Sqarehead:
Wow comparing Terrorism to rape. I cant remember when a rapist wiped out over 3k people in one blow. A woman is raped every two minutes in America.
2 out of every 3 women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. I personally know 3 women in my circle of friends who have been brutally raped by menÂ….maybe not one blow but it's a pretty large number --and most importantly an act that changes the behavior of women on mass---
And for the men standing up against rape, I would say that all of us men who live our lives with some sort of moral clarity and raising our children in a committed marriage are doing our part to raise healthily minded boys.
Exactly! And all the healthy minded Muslims are also doing their part to raise and influence others in the same way.
Anonymous said...
Thousands of Muslims marched in the streets praising the bombings in London. I can't recall the last time I saw thousands of American men rejoicing that a woman was raped.
Not true! it was not Thousands it was one thousand -- compared to the millions of Muslims in that area still a minority.
In fact--here is a piece from the Telegraph UK, you'll notice it's clear these are some of the MOST EXTREME Muslims - the paper makes that very clear:
Extremist muslim clerics will meet in London on September 11 to celebrate the anniversary of al-Qaeda's attacks on America and to launch an organisation for Islamic militants. The conference, which will be attended by the most radical mullahs in Britain, will argue that the atrocities were justified because Muslims must defend themselves against armed aggression.
The governments of Iran, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia accuse the woman of adultery when she is raped. What do all these countries have in common? They are Muslim theocracies, the rulers of their countries. In these places, the rape of a woman is not a crime for the man, it is a death penalty for the woman.
Again, this is NOT a conversation about how different cultures treat women - it's about why sweeping generalizations do not work. Your comparisons here are for a completely different conversation.
Are you ready to convert to Islam or die? That is exactly what the journalists were forced to do in "Palestine". I'm having troubles seeing where the religion of peace is innocent of these atrocities.
I'm am not saying anything about what religion is innocent or not. I am saying there are Extreme Muslims who might want to kill you - but that is not ALL Muslims...just as there are extreme men who rape -- not all men rape. I realize I am being redundant at this point - but I am not seeing an exact rebuttal to my debate here.
Beyond that...Are you prepared to convert to Christianity or go to Hell? Extremist Christians would have you do this---
Anonymous said:
First, rape is not murder and to compare them as equivalents is a mistake. Murder is much more certain/detrimental than rape. You mentioned that rape "has to be the most horrible thing that can happen to a person on many levels". This is plainly not true. Someone that has been raped can still breath the air, listen to birds chirping, eat breakfast the next day...etc...they are not DEAD.
I am not comparing rape to murder!!! I am comparing sweeping generalizations that don't work.
Walter E. Wallis said...
I remember when women picketed San Quentin to protest the execution of Carol Chessman for rape. Men would execute anyone convicted of a single murder in the first degree or a multiple rape, but women and pussified men oblect.
And here we see my point illustrated...Again here a generalization of all women based on one incident. In addition this has nothing to do with his crime and everything to do with opposing views of the death penalty.